Culture and traditions shouldn’t be outdated , they should be upgraded.
While at Senself, we keep the bond with our roots and ancestral botanicals, we made a promise to reinvent perspective to elevate your experience: bringing in innovative ingredients derived with breakthrough scientific approach.
PROMISE: We will always be on lookout for the next “new”.
We seek realness and purpose with authenticity.
Honesty and transparency every step we take.
PROMISE: Diversity, Equality, Inclusivity, Open mindness, Honesty in achieving results.
Sustainability and giving back at the forefront is our priority weather in packaging, formulation or science.
We are not perfect as any other skin care company . We still leave our carbon footprint on the planet. While we strive for perfection to reduce our share of ‘damage’ we promise to reduce and “undo “ the damage with our contribution.
PROMISE: To have more positive impact on our world and people.
Giving Back
Giving Back
We are helping fund the Jarí Para Forest Conservation Project in the Amazon Rainforest, with the help of an environmentally-friendly business that invests in sustainability initiatives to counteract the environmental impact of shipping.
Jari Pará, an avoided deforestation project, preserves 50,480 hectares of primarily virgin Amazon forest. The project aims to promote forest conservation and reduce potential greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Over the project’s 30-year lifetime, it is expected to sequester nearly 15 million tonnes of carbon emissions.